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British Growers


By Company News, Industry News

25th November 2021


Defra consultation on the future of AHDB

Defra has issued a further consultation covering several important issues for the horticultural sector. It is critical Defra gets a complete industry picture, so the purpose of this note is to encourage you to complete the online survey. There are 13 questions to complete the section on horticulture and 9 of these are your ‘name and address’ type questions.

The consultation opened on 17th November and closes on 10th Jan 2022.


What are you being asked?

There are three areas of critical interest:

  1. Should the AHDB Order be amended to remove the statutory levy in the horticulture sector in Great Britain?

The results of the recent ballot of horticulture levy payers showed a significant majority are no longer satisfied that the AHDB’s services are providing value for money and have signalled overall they do not want the levy to continue. 61% of levy payers that voted in the horticulture sector ballot voted “no” to the continuation of the statutory levy in their respective sectors.

To respect the overall outcome of the recent ballots Defra is proposing to amend the AHDB Order to remove the duty on the AHDB to impose a statutory levy on the horticulture sector. This will end the statutory levies in their current form from the beginning of next financial year.

In the accompanying text Defra says…

It is open to exploring industry led proposals from any parts of the horticulture sector, or from any other agricultural industries, who may see value in working with the AHDB through a statutory levy mechanism in the future.

Furthermore, any group of growers can agree to pay a voluntary levy to fund research or other activities at any time. This could be done by the industry working with the AHDB or by working with other organisations or by establishing an alternative governance structure for organising, collecting, and delivering a voluntary levy programme.

No to public funding for R&D

Defra is making it clear that ….

Public sector funding will not pay for research or other actions that were, or could reasonably be expected to be, funded through levy investment.

And goes on to suggest ….

Growers may need to coalesce to provide leadership and formulate new industry led funding models that are better suited to their needs and will enable cross industry collaboration for the delivery of priority research, development, and other activities to support their businesses in future.


  1. Do you want the AHDB’s application service for emergency authorisations and extension of authorisation for minor use of pesticides for the horticulture sector in Great Britain to continue (EA/EAMU application service)?

About 70% of EAs and EAMUs are secured by the AHDB. Annually they submit between 80 and 100 applications to the HSE (CRD) for EAs and EAMUs and Defra expect this number to rise in the next few years, due to the decline in the availability of active substances.

In the short term during 2021/22 and 2022/23 some limited specific AHDB activities will continue in the horticulture on a transitional basis. AHDB will continue to deliver applications for Emergency Authorisations (EAs) and Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMUs) of pesticides in the horticulture sector in Great Britain (funded through reserves).


  1. If you want the AHDB’s application service for emergency authorisations and extension of authorisation for minor use of pesticides for the horticulture sector in Great Britain to continue do you have views and suggestions on how it should be funded?

Providing continuity for the AHDB’s EA/EAMU application service is for seen by many as very important to their business. So, Defra is exploring options for a longer-term funding solution for a continued AHDB EA/EAMU application service from 2023/24 and are interested in industry views on this point.

The remainder of the consultation

The remaining section of the consultation covers

  • A regular vote for levy payers
  • Extending the scope of the AHDB Order
  • Increasing the headroom for levy rates in the English sheep sector; and
  • Future reforms to the AHDB Order


Taking part in the consultation

Here is the link to the Defra consultation and the closing date is 10th January 2022.


Jack Ward

CEO, British Growers

November 2021.

AHDB sends grower levy payers final demand with £10.6m wind down costs identified

By Industry News

AHDB sends grower levy payers final demand with £10.6m wind down costs identified

9 November 2021, by Matthew Appleby

AHDB has written to levy payers, who voted to end paying the levy in February 2021 with a 2021 levy invoice/estimated invoice.

AHDB said: “We expect this to be the final year of the statutory AHDB horticulture levy, subject to a decision by ministers.  It has been calculated on a reduced levy rate of 0.27% on your adjusted sales figure (down from 0.45% last year).

“Following the ballot of horticulture levy payers earlier this year the AHDB Board has been in communication with government ministers and has taken the decision to completely wind-down our statutory levy-funded horticulture operations. We understand that government will launch an industry consultation later this year [mid-November] on proposed changes to the legislation that governs AHDB and on future options.

“The levy funds collected in this year, together with sector reserves, will be used to cover the costs of winding- down all levy-payer activity in the horticulture sector: to see out existing contractual liabilities including research programmes, so the value of levy already invested is not lost (£7.4 million) to cover the costs of lease commitments and staff redundancies (£1.4 million) at Defra’s request to fund a transitional EAMU/emergency authorisation service in 2022/23, so benefits are not lost for the industry and to enable time for the service to potentially be transferred to a third party (£1.8 million).

“For AHDB Horticulture it will cost in total around £10.6 million to meet all the liabilities through the planned transition of activities and the wind-down process. AHDB Horticulture reserves at 31 March 2021 were £6.05 million (subject to audit). The reduced 2021/22 levy rate is expected to raise £4.55 million.

“AHDB will remain legally required to pursue all overdue levy payments and any debtor that refuses to pay will be pursued through the legal process.   Any excess funds at the end of the wind-down process will be held for a period of up to 6-years to fund any residual horticulture liabilities which may arise. After this period the utilisation of any funds remaining would be discussed with the industry and government.”

AHDB Horticulture Board chair Hayley Campbel-Gibbons also wrote to growers to say: “My term on the board of AHDB, and role as chairwoman of the AHDB horticulture board ended on 31st October. Much has changed since I joined the organisation three year’s ago, not least the landmark vote to end the AHDB horticulture and potatoes levies.

“It has not been an easy task to wind-down our activities, in part because of the time it is taking Defra to issue the consultation on the future, but also because the process is involving making the vast majority of our valued team of people redundant. All of whom have shown true professionalism and resilience during a very difficult time.

“I respect the ballot outcome of course, and recognise the wind-down as a necessary course of action. At the same time, I wish those growers who do want to see continued investment in research in their sector the very best in their efforts to find a way forward on collaborative funding.”

She said the final bill to settle the balance on AHDB Horticulture’s accounts and activities includes continuing the EAMU programme for a further year (2022/23), at Defra’s request, and also ensures that any research work we had already started is completed. It also covers the cost of staff redundancies, and horticulture’s central cost contribution.

“On governance, the horticulture board has a newly revised and slimmed down terms of reference, which is to provide oversight of the wind-down process. All meetings will be held virtually, and the board will be chaired on an interim basis by Peter Judge, who sits on the board currently, and will attend the main AHDB board as an observer. This arrangement will be reviewed in March 2022, when the current levy period ends.

“Recognising the need to provide oversight of the remaining research projects (51 in total currently which will reduce to 28 running in 2022/23, 11 in 2023/24 and 3 in 2024/25), the most efficient way for us to achieve this will be agreed with the panels and sector board over the coming weeks.

“As part of the wind-down plan and budget, AHDB will be creating a legacy website to ensure that all of the past and future work funded by growers will be available to view online.

“All that remains for me to say is thank you to all of the growers and staff who have supported me in my role at AHDB; in particular, my fellow board members past and present, those growers who got involved in our efforts to reform the levy, the panel members who have given so much of their time and effort to our research, our strategic centres and those who have attended our many trials and events. A special thank you to the whole horticulture team at AHDB.”

LSA CT Fellowship Scheme 2022 deadline extension

By Company News, Industry News

The LSA Fellowship scheme has extended its application deadline to the 10th November 2021.


With the additional few days to apply we are running through the top reasons for you to apply:

  • 2-year Fellowship scheme
  • £3,000 bursary to cover your expenses
  • Increase your industry understanding: from Herbs to Hardy Nursery Stock production, R&D to marketing
  • Connect with key representatives and leaders from across the industry
  • Be part of a group of a small Fellowship group: developing a close network with your peers
  • Attend an oversees study tour

“The Fellowship provides an excellent opportunity for up-and-coming executives in the horticulture industry to widen their perspective, create a network and equip themselves for a future role in leadership of the industry. These are exciting and challenging times for horticulture, and the LSA Fellows will be vital in shaping our sector for the future.”  Commented Coral Clark Managing agent for the Scheme.

Lucille Gilpin, Horticultural Technologist at DAERA and started the scheme in 2019, she encourages others to apply for the scheme:

“Applying to the LSA Fellowship was a no-brainer – between invitations to high quality events and meeting likeminded horticulture young people, I am glad I did apply.

Even throughout COVID we have had a busy schedule, meeting and discussing with central industry people online. Pre-COVID, my favourite event was at SmartHort, I gained a lot of knowledge from this event to bring back to my workplace.

Since being on the scheme, I am a lot more confident to discuss industry issues in my workplace with also further confidence to talk to other growers about the latest technologies.

For new applicants, I would thoroughly advise to join our group, I have learnt a lot and will continue to do so along with the horticulture friends I have made.”

The Fellowship aims to develop the future leaders of the commercial horticulture industry and is being supported by the National Farmers Union, British Growers Association, The Horticultural Trades Association, the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board.

To apply for the scheme please visit: The deadline for applications is the 10th November 2021.

For more information on the scheme please visit the website or contact Coral Clark at British Growers on , or call: 01507 602427.

By Company News

Following the success of the British Leafy Salads Demonstration Day on 16th September and the British Carrot Growers Demonstration Day on 7th October, the British Growers team are pleased to announce our further upcoming events:

19th January 2022

The long-awaited Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference is back. After a 3-year hiatus the event is back in a new venue, East of England Showground. There are still sponsorship and Exhibitor opportunities available, for more information please visit the website, Sponsors | Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference or Exhibition | Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference.


9th February 2022

The British Leeks Agronomy Day in partnership with NIAB is being held in Marston, Lincolnshire. Exhibition opportunities are available for the event, if you would like further information, please contact Pauline at


6th July 2022

The Asparagus Growers Association Biennial Conference, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Exhibition opportunities are available for the event, if you would like further information, please contact Pauline at


October 2022 (date tbc)

International Plant Propagators Society Annual Conference in Germany. Further information to be announced shortly.


November 2022 (date tbc)

Onion & Carrot Conference – The British Onions Producer Association and the British Carrot Growers Association will be joining forces once again to host the Onion & Carrot Conference.  Further information to be announced shortly.


2nd-5th October 2023

International Carrot and other Alpiaceae Symposium, in York. Further information to be announced shortly.



As always, we continue to offer advertising and editorial opportunities to the industry in our various Crop Association Newsletters. Please see the below for more information.




Have you applied for the LSA Fellowship Scheme?

By Industry News, Company News

The deadline is looming for the 2022 LSA Fellowship scheme. We are looking for the future leaders of the UK’s horticulture industry to take part in the Fellowship.



  • 2-year Fellowship scheme
  • Exposure to all elements of the UK’s horticultural industry. Herbs to Hardy Nursery Stock production. R&D to marketing
  • £3,000 bursary to cover your expenses during the Fellowship
  • Attend an oversees study tour
  • Be part of a group of 12 Fellows, developing a close network with your peers
  • Connect with key representatives from across the industry

The Fellowship aims to develop the future leaders of the commercial horticulture industry and is being supported by the National Farmers Union, British Growers Association, The Horticultural Trades Association, the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board.

“The Fellowship provides an excellent opportunity for up-and-coming executives in the horticulture industry to widen their perspective, create a network and equip themselves for a future role in leadership of the industry. These are exciting and challenging times for horticulture, and the LSA Fellows will be vital in shaping our sector for the future.” The Managing agent for the Scheme, Coral Clark commented.

Lucille Gilpin, Horticultural Technologist at DAERA and started the scheme in 2019, she encourages others to apply for the scheme.

“Applying to the LSA Fellowship was a no-brainer – between invitations to high quality events and meeting likeminded horticulture young people, I am glad I did apply.

Even throughout covid we have had a busy schedule, meeting and discussing with central industry people online. Pre covid, my favourite event was at SmartHort, I gained a lot of knowledge from this event to bring back to my workplace.

Since being on the scheme, I am a lot more confident to discuss industry issues in my workplace with also further confidence to talk to other growers about the latest technologies.

For new applicants, I would thoroughly advise to join our group, I have learnt a lot and will continue to do so along with the horticulture friends I have made.”


To apply for the scheme please visit: The deadline for applications is the 31st October 2021.

For more information on the scheme please visit the website or contact Coral Clark at British Growers on , or call: 01507 602427.


UK Horticulture Trade Delegation to New Zealand Horticulture | March 2020

By Industry News

In early 2020 in the days before lockdown, I had the opportunity to look at the fresh produce industry in New Zealand and see what the UK might learn from them and the way they operate. I was accompanied on the trip by Ali Capper, Chair of the NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board, Chris Moncrief from the RHS, Ruth Ashfield from AHDB and Lucy Jackson from Defra.


The report explains were we went, who we spoke to, what we saw and more importantly our recommendations for the UK fresh produce industry.


View the report here


If anyone wants to discuss the report or the recommendations in more detail please feel free to get in touch


Jack Ward


British Growers Newsletter – 22.09.21

By Company News, Industry News

Foreword Jack Ward, CEO British Growers

We should be entering a golden era for our sector. Rising awareness of the importance of vegetable and fruit in the diet, increased consumption off the back of the pandemic, strong support for increasing the production of vegetables and fruit from the National Food Strategy and yet it feels nothing like a golden era – in fact the complete opposite.

This is undoubtedly the most difficult period for growers since I joined British Growers seven years ago. Labour availability, escalating costs, difficulties in getting hold of essential inputs, the list of problems seem to grow by the week and it’s not evident the Government has a plan to get us out of this situation.

Grower meeting and the future for Research and Development

Earlier this week we held a meeting for Crop Associations to discuss the future for R&D. Phil Pearson, Chair of the Grower Better Levy Group explained the Group’s thinking on possible options to ensure a pipeline of R&D in the future

A more detailed summary of their proposition can be found here.

Ian Smith who leads the AHDB team within Defra explained the current Defra thinking. Defra is planning a consultation starting in early October and running for 6 weeks. The main focus will be on changes to the statutory instrument to implement the outcome of the ballot – an end to a compulsory levy. The consultation is also likely to include something on how best to continue the work on EAMUs although we understand AHDB is in a position to continue the EAMU work until the end of 2022.

We will keep you posted with details of the consultation as soon as it is published.

National Food Strategy

Sometimes you need a bit of positive news. So, it was good to see the National Food Strategy pick up on several of the ideas sent to them by British Growers.

  • Fresh produce is the sector of primary food production where growth most squarely aligns with the national interest.
  • There are clear opportunities for UK growers to secure a greater share of the UK
  • Defra should adapt the best elements of the EU Fruit and Veg Scheme to create a package of investment that aligns more closely with Government, consumer and grower
  • Fruit and vegetable production should be supported by a wider programme of investment to boost horticultural productivity sustainably, creating a less bureaucratic, more inclusive and better funded successor to the previous EU Fruit and Vegetable Regime.

We have recently written to Defra Ministers asking for a meeting to explain our thinking about how Defra could use its new policy freedom to provide more encouragement and support for the sector.


The labour shortages have been well documented and widely reported. The issues experienced by growers this season have surpassed all others, poaching of staff including both permanent and seasonal; workers turned back at the Border because Border Forces staff don’t like their paperwork; difficulties getting the two new SWPs agencies up and running and delays in recruiting and issuing visas, Covid restrictions; increasing reluctance for EU workers to return to the UK even with settle status visas. The list goes on and on.

Earlier this month several industry organisations led by the NFU and Food and Drink Federation published a comprehensive report ‘Establishing the labour availability issues of the UK Food and Drink Sector’ which spells out very clearly the labour issues affecting all parts of the UK Food industry including the problems surrounding seasonal labour.

We have subsequently written to the Secretary of State for the Home Department in support of the report and in particular adding to the calls for

  • a commitment to a permanent seasonal worker scheme for UK horticulture,
  • the expansion of the scheme to include more visas and operators,
  • and for the scheme to be made available to the non-edible horticulture sector. A full copy of the report can be found here-

Sustainable Farming Incentive

Defra is consulting on a range of proposals for the arable sector under its Sustainable Farming Incentive Scheme.

The Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme is the first of 3 schemes designed to encourage environmental land management. And will launch in 2022 for farmers in England who currently receive payments under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).

Details of the consultation can be found here.

The closing date for responses has recently been extended to Friday 22nd October 2021.

We are in discussion with Defra about an SFI scheme which is better suited to the veg and fruit sectors and we understand there are plans to introduce a scheme tailored to the needs of the fresh produce sector.

Strategic Review of Abstraction Charges

At the end of August, the Environment Agency launched its consultation on a strategic review of abstraction charges. The consultation runs until the 10th November 2021. The NFU is encouraging all members who abstract water to respond to the consultation. It will be particularly important for farmers and growers to comment on any identified changes to charges and the impact of those costs on their businesses. The NFU consultation is being run by its team of Environment Advisers. Anyone wanting more details can contact their regional adviser. This link will take you to the appropriate regional office.


Redistribution of surplus production

British Growers has been in contact with various organisations with an interest in the redistribution of surplus production. One of these groups is the Felix Trust and they have developed an App to make the connection between growers and redistribution organisations as seamless as possible.

The App will allow growers to flag up any surplus production and connect with organisations that will collect and redistribute it.

The Felix Project is looking for growers based in the East & Southeast of England to take part in a short trial to find out if the app works for you. Any growers not wanting to take part in the trial or in another part of the country can also support the project by taking a short 5-minute survey.

Please contact Les Golden on or call him on 07833 235147 to discuss further and/or take part. Or you can complete the survey here.


Wannabe Reality TV Celebs

Big Little Fish TV, the makers of the hit Discovery series ‘Born Mucky” are looking for family farms to feature in a variety of new programmes they are developing in the farming space. These programmes will be a celebration of British agriculture, and of the incredible families at the heart of it.

Big Little Fish TV are keen to hear from fruit and vegetables growers. If you are interested and want to find out more, please email at And for more info about the makers visit their website.

FPC Future – 4th November 2021

FPC is collaborating with the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology to launch two new events for the fresh produce, flower and plant industry on 4th November 2021 at the Lincolnshire Showground.

FPC Future comprises an exhibition and eight conference sessions and is co-located with FPC Careers, a specialist careers fair the industry and related sectors which include foodservice, import, retail, logistics, distribution and wholesale.

The conference programme is extensive, with conference sessions covering pre and post farm robotics and automation, data-driven technologies, plastics and packaging, supply chain waste, carbon supply chains, vertical farming and sustainability.

For more information visit here.

British Carrot Growers Association Demonstration Day 2021

By Industry News, Company News

The British Carrot Growers Association Demonstration Day 2021.

The 2021 BCGA Demonstration Day is shaping up to make a big return for 2021. Returning as an in-person event, the 2021 event will be a great chance for the industry to have a long awaited “catch up”.

The Demo Day on the 7th October will be held near the village of West Knapton, Malton and is kindly being hosted by Hobson Farming and sponsored by AHDB.

The event will showcase existing and emerging carrot varieties from Seminis, BASF, Rijk Zwaan, Hazera, HM Clause, Elsoms/ Bejo and Agriseeds.

Martin Strickson from Elsoms commented: “Elsoms are delighted to demonstrate our extensive range of varieties bred by Bejo Zaden. Our market leading range include the most comprehensive, reliable, versatile and diverse carrot varieties available to producers in the UK.”

Not only will demonstrations of the latest varieties be available for the attendees to view, but the BCGA Volunteer Potato trials are being held at the site. Delegates can see the ongoing trials and quiz those who have been running the trials.

Several agronomy plots from Bayer and Microbial are also sited at the field and will be available for delegates to see.

The exhibition area attracts a great turnout from the supportive wider industry to provide a great interactive opportunity for those who attend.  Already registered to attend are: Bayer CropScience Ltd, Clause UK Ltd, Hazera Seeds UK Ltd, Elsoms Seeds, Grimme UK Ltd, OnePay, Yara UK Ltd, Edwards Farm Machinery, Tong Engineering Ltd, Tickhill Engineering Co Ltd t/a Haith and Pan Anglia.

Entry is free of charge for delegates, refreshments will be available throughout the day and you can claim both BASIS and NRoSO points.

Registration for the event for delegates and exhibitors can be found on our website- BCGA Demonstration Day | Great British Carrots

For more information, please contact

Tackling on-farm food waste key to increasing profits by a fifth

By Industry News
  • WRAP identifies a 20% potential increase in profits for UK farms through
    minimising food surplus and waste.
  • Collaboration with Ribena and their growers unearths much higher levels of
    blackcurrant waste than previously thought, and opportunities to tackle this.
  • An estimated 3.6 million tonnes of food goes to surplus and waste in UK
    agriculture, worth £1.2 billion.

A new report from leading sustainability charity, WRAP, reveals farmers could achieve a
potential 20% increase in profits by reducing surplus and wasted food.
Field studies conducted by WRAP across a range of products demonstrated that
improvements in data and measurement are key to waste reduction. Levels of food
surplus and waste on-farm were often higher than expected, with significant variability
observed between farms, which suggests potential to improve performance within
existing practices.

Financial analysis of five classic British foods showed the following potential profit gains
if all farmers achieved best in class performance:

  • Carrots – 33%
  • Eggs – 24%
  • Potatoes – 23%
  • Strawberries – 19%
  • Apples – 15%

Key findings from WRAP’s work:

  • Engaging the whole supply chain is fundamental. Factors elsewhere in the supply
    chain, such as lack of viable secondary markets, customer specifications, and
    supply and demand imbalances were identified as major drivers of surplus and
    waste on farm, and many of these cannot be addressed by growers alone.
  • To encourage engagement with the issue, it is important to communicate the
    benefits to monitoring on-farm, in particular the financial ones.
  • Measurement and data are central to reducing on farm food surplus and waste,
    and engagement with farmers and sector specialists through field trials such as
    these helps raise the profile of data collection.
  • There is a need for data collection on a much larger scale and WRAP is working to
    upskill the sector so they can recreate the success of the pilots.

Tackling waste in primary production is a crucial element of transforming our entire
supply chain so that we can build a food system which supports healthy citizens, a
healthy economy and a healthy planet, as outlined in July’s National Food Strategy.
Reducing food waste, from farm to fork, is imperative to achieving Net Zero – and the
goals of COP26 this November.

The work with farmers also showed that collaboration is essential to help them
benchmark and learn from each other – and ground-breaking research with Suntory
Beverage & Food GB&I and their blackcurrant suppliers to address on-farm food surplus
and waste is an excellent example of this.

Approximately 2,000 hectares of blackcurrants are grown in the UK and 90% of the crop
goes directly to Ribena. In a study conducted in July 2020, WRAP worked with Ribena’s
blackcurrant growers to unearth practical ways of measuring waste pre-farm gate and
find opportunities to reduce it.

Blackcurrants are machine-harvested but in-field losses from this process had not
previously been quantified for modern varieties of harvesters – the research aimed to
address this. A week prior to harvest, growers used sheeting to collect and weigh berries
which fell prematurely. After the harvester had travelled through, berries remaining on
the blackcurrant bushes or on the ground were also weighed.
The results showed that most waste arises specifically at the point of harvest, with
berries left on the bush or on the ground. Overall, data collection indicated much higher
levels of waste than previously estimated, underlining the power of food waste

The blackcurrant growers are now assessing the efficacy of the harvesting machinery,
exploring ways to ensure optimal machine design, operation and speed.
A new video illustrates WRAP’s collaboration with Ribena, filmed on location and
featuring head blackcurrant grower, Rosie Begg from Gorgate Farm, Norfolk. View it

This case study illustrates that gathering evidence helps businesses take targeted action
to combat food surplus and waste on farms. WRAP’s resources help farmers, growers
and farm advisors to deliver on-farm food surplus and waste measurement and
reduction and ultimately increased profits.

Will McManus – Sector Specialist at WRAP: “The financial analysis highlights that
measuring food surplus and waste on-farms provides important business benefits. After two
years of collaboration with farmers and growers, we have a robust approach for supporting
measurement. Now we really need businesses and policy makers to back this approach and
help upskill the sector as a whole.”

Harriet Prosser, Blackcurrant Agronomist for Ribena at Suntory Beverage & Food
GB&I: “As a business Suntory Beverage & Food GB&I is always working to tackle waste and
work more sustainably as part of our Growing for Good company vision. It is my role to
support our contracted blackcurrant growers for Ribena and promote best practice. This
project was a great opportunity to explore losses at harvest, and support growers to identify
areas for improvement.”

Rosie Begg, Blackcurrant Grower at Gorgate Farm, Norfolk: “WRAP has been so
helpful linking us up with other blackcurrant growers and helping to design the experiments
for this investigation. We were really surprised by the results, we felt harvest losses were
minimal, so this project has really focused the mind and helped us to target those key losses
and direct ongoing research.”
Ben Elliot, Government Food Waste and Surplus Champion: “This illuminating
research shows that food waste not only harms our environment but is also bad for business.
It is abundantly clear that we must look across the entire food chain to reduce surplus and
wasted food – from the farmyard to the kitchen – to build a prosperous and sustainable food

Policy makers and funders are encouraged to contact WRAP at

British Leafy Salads Association Demonstration Day 2021

By Industry News

The British Leafy Salad Association is pleased to announce the Demonstration Day is back for 2021

The 2020 event had to be held virtually due to the pandemic, but we are pleased to announce that this year’s event will take place in person.

The 2021 demonstration event is kindly being hosted by G’s on Thursday 16th September near Ely, Cambridgeshire.

Building on the success of the previous Demonstration Days, this year’s event will host:

Weeding demonstrations from

  • Already confirmed: Naoi, Wedding Tech, Campeys, K.U.L.T, Robotti, Stekette and Zasso.

Bio stimulant trials

  • Confirmed Dejex and CropTechIQ

AHDB’s Peat Free Propagation trials

Exhibition area

The event will attract support from the whole leafy salad industry to provide a great interactive opportunity for those who attended.

Entry is free of charge and refreshments will be provided. The event is registered for both BASIS and NRoSO points which will be available on the day.  Register  here

For more information on attending or exhibiting please contact