Following the success of the British Leafy Salads Demonstration Day on 16th September and the British Carrot Growers Demonstration Day on 7th October, the British Growers team are pleased to announce our further upcoming events:
19th January 2022
The long-awaited Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference is back. After a 3-year hiatus the event is back in a new venue, East of England Showground. There are still sponsorship and Exhibitor opportunities available, for more information please visit the website, Sponsors | Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference or Exhibition | Brassica and Leafy Salad Conference.
9th February 2022
The British Leeks Agronomy Day in partnership with NIAB is being held in Marston, Lincolnshire. Exhibition opportunities are available for the event, if you would like further information, please contact Pauline at Pauline.sutton@britishgrowers.org.
6th July 2022
The Asparagus Growers Association Biennial Conference, in Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Exhibition opportunities are available for the event, if you would like further information, please contact Pauline at Pauline.sutton@britishgrowers.org.
October 2022 (date tbc)
International Plant Propagators Society Annual Conference in Germany. Further information to be announced shortly.
November 2022 (date tbc)
Onion & Carrot Conference – The British Onions Producer Association and the British Carrot Growers Association will be joining forces once again to host the Onion & Carrot Conference. Further information to be announced shortly.
2nd-5th October 2023
International Carrot and other Alpiaceae Symposium, in York. Further information to be announced shortly.
As always, we continue to offer advertising and editorial opportunities to the industry in our various Crop Association Newsletters. Please see the below for more information.