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Representation, Promotion, Administration
and Financial services for Producer
Organisations, Crop Associations, Marketing
Groups & Professional Membership Groups.

Who We Are

British Growers Association is a grower owned, grower led, not for profit umbrella group comprising a range of organisations operating in the UK horticulture industry and fresh produce sector. The membership includes Crop Associations, Producer Organisations, marketing groups and professional membership groups. We are a small dedicated team based in Louth, Lincolnshire. The organisation is governed by a Board of Directors drawn from all sectors of the horticulture industry.

We were established by a visionary group of growers in 1969 as the Processed Vegetable Growers Association. In 2011, the Board of Directors took a decision to broaden the work of the organisation to include both processed and fresh veg and fruit production.

Of UK Agricultural Output
Value of Production
Permanent Jobs

The Importance of British Growing


Contributing to the Economy

The sector employs over 100,000 full time and seasonal workers across all the disciplines needed to produce high quality produce. British Horticulture contributes over £3bn to the nation's GDP.

Self Sufficiency

The UK is over 40% self-sufficient in indigenous Fruit supply and this is increasing. However the nation is less than 60% self-sufficient in Vegetable & Salads supply and this is declining.

Health Benefits

Maintaining a healthy diet of Fresh Fruit, Salad and Vegetables helps our bodies’ defences against disease and poor health. Good diet can extend our lives and reduce health costs.

Helping Growers Do What
They Do Best

Find Out More

British Growers provides its members with a centralised shared administrative, accountancy, book keeping service, public relations and event management services. British Growers also offers a specialist administration and advisory service for Producer Organisations.