If you are interested in the marketing of veg, this is worth a quick read and a slightly longer view on YouTube
Veg Power is calling on the UK horticulture industry to unite with retailers and foodservice providers to change children’s perceptions of vegetables, increasing their consumption and addressing a growing health crisis.
The not-for-profit Veg Power alliance is asking companies across the whole vegetable supply chain to come together to fund its expansion. The aim is to bring together retailers and food producers with caterers, restaurants, growers, wholesalers, processors and the companies who supply them to support a year-round promotion of vegetables.
Veg Power is launching a whole-sector membership programme that gives the grocery industry and horticulture sector a direct stake in the future of the campaign. With this support vegetable will have the largest and most creative campaign in fresh produce industry.
The online launch took place on 22 October so if you missed but want to see what happened, you can watch it at your leisure by following this link.
Jack Ward
British Growers
30 October 2020