2020, and into 2021, Covid 19 is affecting the way we live and work.
As well as all the life events that could not take place this year, the horticultural industry has been unable to host any training or networking events. New technologies, innovations and products have been unable to be showcased to growers in the usual way.
In light of this situation, we have expanded our regular communications to our members and are now offering reasonable advertising opportunities or editorial spaces in our membership updates. These include:
- Asparagus Growers Association
- Brassica Growers Association
- British Carrot Growers Association
- British Herb Trade Association
- British Leafy Salad Association
- British Onions
- Pea and Bean Growers Association
- Plant Propagators
- Turfgrass Growers Association.
Our advertising rates are used to help support the Grower Associations so that they can continue to represent and support the growers in their sector.
If you would like more information on placing an advert with our Crop Associations, please contact coral.russell@britishgrowers.org