Mushroom Growers have given the go ahead for a new group to represent their industry. Despite being the second largest vegetable category by value in the UK, mushroom growers have had not formal group to represent their interests since the demise of the Mushroom Growers Association in 2005.
At the recent AHDB Mushroom conference Growers agreed to go ahead and establish a new grower group.
The principle remit of the group will be to guide the use of grower levies spent on R&D through the creation of a R&D strategy for the Mushroom sector;
Work with AHDB and members of the protected edibles panel to identify relevant and suitable R&D projects. And to monitor and feedback on the delivery of these projects.
Create opportunities for knowledge transfer and set up technical days, conferences and seminars to disseminate industry best practice
Speaking at the conference Jack Ward, CEO of British Growers said,
“The industry needs to raise the profile of the mushroom sector and build its credibility as a high-tech forward-looking industry making a positive and valued contribution to the UK food chain and the UK economy. On behalf of the sector we need to ensure that its voice is heard by key decision makers and stakeholders.”
The new group will be open to both mushroom growers and allied trades. Anyone interested in joining the Group should contact admin@britishgrower.org.