Become a Member
We provide expertise & knowledge in all areas of relevant policy, corporate governance, finance/banking, accounting, administration, IT resources, pooling/equalisation, payroll, grants, business structure, collaboration and R&D.
British Growers Association are trusted to operate with objectivity, confidentiality, impartiality which sustain our credibility & authority. We provide a complete strategic planning, organisational, support, coordination, secretariat & crisis management and conference/event production service for crop associations, POs & members. We deliver excellent leadership and efficient communication.
Our members are currently made up of crop associations and grower groups. If you would like to discuss how your company can become involved with British Growers please use the form or call us on 01507 602427.
See Our Other Members
British Growing is a significant part of the overall food manufacturing sector, producing fresh food crops across the UK. The industry is highly capital intensive, scientifically progressive, technically advanced and environmentally responsible.